
FRIENDS AND LOVERS – a tribute to John W. Duarte

For two decades Weigel and Duarte were close friends, sharing music, mutual jury membership in numerous international competitions and also their passion: Pipe Smoking. 

Robyn Allegra Parton, internationally acclaimed soprano, and guitarist Wolfgang Weigel will participate with a collection of  songs in this ambitious project of Christopher Duarte (the composer´s son), creating a film portrait of John W. Duarte at the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the composer´s death 2004.

Robyn Allegra Parton (soprano)
Wolfgang Weigel (guitar)

Robyn and Wolfgang will contribute five songs from different life perods and song cycles of John W. Duarte plus the premiere of a new composition “Una Canción Tranquila” – specially written for this project on words by Octávio Paz by David Leisner (2024) dedicated to John W. Duarte.


In the forthcoming year, we shall commemorate the 100th anniversary of Manuel de Falla’s „Homenaje,“ composed in 1925. During the same period, 1928/29, Heitor Villa-Lobos composed his „12 Etudes,“ marking the genesis of the „modern“ guitar repertoire. Subsequently, composers such as Frank Martin, Benjamin Britten, Hans Werner Henze, and numerous others contributed significantly, enriching the classical guitar repertoire with their valuable compositions.

The repertoire for the guitar in the 20th century to the present day encompasses a rich collection of masterpieces crafted by eminent composers. This includes not only Spanish and South American music but also works originating from Italy, Britain, France, as well as central, northern, and eastern Europe. Solo pieces, chamber music, songs for voice and guitar, and guitar concertos collectively embody a remarkable artistic and cultural significance. The aim of Wolfgang Weigel’s dedication to the music of this era is to establish the artistic and technical prowess required for performing this music at the highest standard possible.

Wolfgang Weigel, an internationally acclaimed ambassador of 20th-century music, will be available for recitals and masterclasses dedicated to this cherished repertoire. Weigel has personal acquaintance with many composers, both past and present, enabling him to bear witness to their artistic visions and intentions.

Spanish music of the 20th century by Isaac Albéniz, Joaquín Turina and the complete version of Manuel de Falla´s ballet “El Amor Brujo”

Günther Lebbing,
Hugo H. Gaido,
Wolfgang Weigel,
Jhon Jiménez

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Spanish music underwent a significant transformation, marked by a departure from traditional styles and an embrace of modern influences. Composers like Isaac Albéniz and Enrique Granados played pivotal roles in shaping this evolution, introducing elements of nationalism and folk music into their compositions. The incorporation of regional Spanish folk themes, such as flamenco and Andalusian rhythms, brought a distinctive character to the music of this era. The increased interaction with European musical trends also contributed to a fusion of styles, creating a rich tapestry of sounds within Spanish classical music.

The role and influence of Manuel de Falla were particularly noteworthy during this period. Falla, a leading figure in Spanish music, drew inspiration from traditional Spanish folk music, incorporating it into his compositions with a modern flair. His work, including the iconic „Nights in the Gardens of Spain“, the ballets „The Three-Cornered Hat“ and “El Amor Brujo” showcased a harmonious blend of Spanish folklore and avant-garde elements. Falla’s contributions not only solidified the connection between Spanish music and its cultural roots but also garnered international acclaim, elevating Spanish classical music to a global stage. The collaboration and interchange among composers like Isaac Albéniz, Enrique Granados, and Manuel Falla collectively defined the rich and diverse landscape of Spanish music during this transformative era.